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Full Page
Trim Size: 8-3/8" x 10-7/8"
Bleed Size: 8-7/8" x 11-3/8"
Half Page (horiz.)
Size: 7-5/8" x 5"
Half Page (vert.)
Size: 3-3/4" x 10-1/8"
One Third Page
Size: 5-1/16" x 5"
Quarter Page
Size: 3-3/4" x 5"
NOTE: If you are running an ad that bleeds, remember to keep any text or items that need to be seen/read at least 1/4" from the edge of the paper (to guarantee that it will not be trimmed off).

Ad with is 2.4375 inches. Height is available in one-inch increments starting at 1 inch.

Two Column
Size: 5" x 10-1/8"
One Column
Size: 2-7/16" x 10-1/8"
Half Column
Size: 2-7/16" x 5"
Eighth Page
Size: 3-3/4" x 2-7/16"
Please follow mechanical requirements (below) when submitting all ad sizes.

Season Ad Closing Issue Date
SPRING December 1st February 1st
SUMMER March 1st May 1st
FALL June 1st August 1st
WINTER September 1st November 1st


OVERVIEW: Pageantry magazine is an all-digital publication, printed computer to plate. Digital files are preferred. All film submitted will incur an additional cost for scanning to create a high-resolution image that can be placed in the digital file.

Digital Files... Electronic files should be Macintosh-compatible and created in an approved program. If the file is prepared on a Windows PC, all type must be converted to paths or outlines, because fonts are not cross-platform compatible. Existing film-based ads that cannot be provided as digital files can be digitally copied. Call your account executive for help.

Approved Programs... ads should be prepared with the following computer programs: QuarkXPress, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, and Macromedia Freehand. Ads built in non-approved programs such as Adobe Pagemaker or Corel Draw can be converted by Pageantry for a nominal fee.

Ad Proofs... Contract proofs (e.g. Kodak, Rainbow, Fuji) should accompany your digital color files. Black-and-white or grayscale ads can be proofed on a 600-dpi Postscript laser printer. If you cannot provide a high-resolution color proof, Pageantry will have one made for you for a nominal fee. Contract proofs are required for new ads —no exceptions.

Image Colors... All QuarkXPress color must be specified in process color: cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK). Photos being prepared in Photoshop for placement in QuarkXPress must be in CMYK mode (color photos) or Grayscale mode (black-and-white photos). Spot colors (Pantone/ PMS) and RGB colors must be converted to their CMYK equivalents in the program where the colors were created (i.e., Photoshop, Illustrator, Freehand). Duotones must be created using only black plus one color from the cyan, magenta, and yellow inks.

Photo Formats... Save photo images in CMYK EPS file format, or in CMYK TIFF format with your ColorSync profile embedded in the file. Other digital photo formats (JPG, BMP, etc.) or colors that are in RGB will not print properly. If you cannot create CMYK files, Pageantry can convert the images or colors for your ads for a nominal fee.

Image Resolution... Photos placed in QuarkXPress documents must have a resolution of 300 pixels per inch (ppi) at 100% of final printing size. Advertising photos should not be enlarged beyond 100% within Quark picture boxes, due to the potential of image degradation. If your photos are much larger than their final printing size, Pageantry is required to resize them by its printing company, and there may be an additional fee if such changes are necessary.

Tips: QuarkXPress... Check that only CMYK color is used. Don't use “Save Page as EPS;” instead, always save files in QuarkXPress native format. Use “Collect for Output” to save all of the ad images and the Quark file into one folder.

Tips: Adobe Illustrator or Macromedia Freehand... Save files in EPS format with all colors specified in CMYK. Placed photos must be specified with color in CMYK or Grayscale. Other formats or colors will require conversion for a fee.

Tips: Adobe Photoshop... Set color mode in pull-down menu: “Image” and “Mode,” then choose “CMYK Color” for full color images, “Grayscale” for black-and-white photos, and “Bitmap” for line art (i.e., 100% black/100% white only). In the “Image Size” menu, set image to 300 ppi. Flatten any layers in Photoshop. Use “Save as...” and save in CMYK EPS format.

Transfer Media... Floppy, Zip 100 or CD-R's are acceptable for submitting digital files. Send all fonts (screen and printer) along with all ad document files. Include your proofs and a list of disk contents along with your transfer files. Transfer media will be returned upon request when they are labeled with your name and return address.

Image Scan & Color Separations
3" x 5" or less $ 150
5" x 8" or less $ 200
8" x 10" or more $ 250

Black & White Scan For B/W photos, line art $15

Design Services Creative/typesetting (per hour) $ 60

Film Conversion: If you cannot send a digital file, we can convert film to a digital file for a fee. Please provide one-piece litho negatives (right reading, emulsion down). Line screen: 150 lpi.

Non-conforming Ads: If your ad does not conform to these mechanical specifications, you will be billed at actual cost for any additional handling charges.


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